Diecisiete “containers” agrupados formando cuatro columnas de dos, nueve y cuatro contenedores, configuran un micro-rascielos de 26 metros de alto, con cuatro plantas destinadas a la venta y una terraza mirador, con vistas al lago, los Alpes y la autopista.

"Welcome to the first and only «FREITAG Individual Recycled Freeway Shop». 1993 our living-room view onto the transit-bridge brought up the idea to make tarp-bags. 2006 we decide to sell our bags-made-from-tarps in a shop-made-from-containers.
The FREITAG SHOP ZURICH is completely built from rusty, recycled freight-containers. Lovingly they were gutted, reinforced, piled up and secured. Zurich’s first bonsai-skyscraper: Low enough not to violate the city’s restriction on high-rise buildings. High enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine".
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