Este proyecto de Christian Müller Architects en Vals, Suiza, me gusta mucho.

Ver sin ser visto. Ver sin molestar.

Encontrareis más fotos en diferentes páginas pero en la del despacho Christian Müller Architects, he buscado y solo he sido capaz de encontrar fotos de la primera fase de construcció (rarito).

Villa Vals Holiday home, Vals, CH, ’05-’09.
Shouldn’t it be possible to conceal a house in an Alpine slope while still exploiting the wonderful views and allowing light to enter the building?Surprised that it was permissible to construct a pair of dwellings so close to the world famous thermal baths of Vals, the client seized the opportunity to develop the site, without disturbing the bath’s expansive views. The introduction of a central patio into the steep incline creates a large façade with considerable potential for window openings. The viewing angle from the building is slightly inclined, giving an even more dramatic view of the strikingly beautiful mountains on the opposite side of the narrow valley.

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