* Este el castillo de thom y atención señoras porque no hay princesa.
Su currículum explica muchas cosas de premios y estudios pero me quedo con este trocito de explicación....
"Thomas’s architectural interests go beyond the built environment to include art, design, story telling and installations with a particular interest in how literature can be directly translated into urban and architectural space. He attempts to look at architecture from a different perspective, using unorthodox narratives and programmes to create original and often surreal observations. These observations use innovative and poetic materials coupled with a technological and environmental understanding to enhance and blur the thresholds of spatial design. He is driven by a precise and meticulously crafted working method that is illustrated through drawings, models and assemblages. Most importantly he tries not to take architecture too seriously and aims for his work to be as humorous as it is serious, who says architecture cant be fun?"
Visitad su página porque su libreta con ilustraciones del primer y segundo capítulo del EMPEROR'S CASTLE hay que visitarla.
Le copiaré lo de las pinzas....
+ INFO: http://thomashillier.co.uk/
Y por él encontré esta página que vale la pena visitar : http://origamiblog.com/
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