GARDEN OF 10.000 BRIDGEs · West 8 ·

International Horticulture Exhibition 2011 · Xi'an


For the 2011 Xi'an International Horticulture Exhibition, West 8 designed a Master Landscape Architect Garden, that plays with the limits and the sensation of surprise.

Gardens tell a story. They combine poetry and narrative. The Garden of 10,000 Bridges represents the human life; the path of people’s lifetime, which is a route of uncertainty and burden, but also of highlights and elation. The garden design takes you on this walk of life as a meandering, winding trail – continuous and like a labyrinth. It lets you find your way through nature and takes you over 10,000 bridges.

* Yo he leído 10.000 y me he dicho a mi misma... "que sean 10.000 que sean 10.000!". Por supuesto no eran 10.000... luego he pensado que 10.000 eran muchos pero no me he castigado por ilusa.
Me gusta. Imaginarme de paseo por la serpiente puente que entra y sale en el jardín de bambú. Grande.

¿Por cierto, alguien sabe donde comprar bambú  en Barcelona?


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