KULTIVATOR · Art and agricultura


Iniciativa de las que me gustan.... 
Cuanto nos queda por aprender de los de arriba...
Si ya se que por aquí ya hay bastante...
No desmerezco pero...


is an experimental cooperation of organic farming and visual art practice,
situated in rural village Dyestad, on the island Öland on the southeast coast of Sweden.
By installing certain functions in abandoned farm facilities, near to the active agriculture community,
Kultivator provide a meeting and working space that points out the parallels
between provision production and art practice, between concrete and abstract processes for survival.
Kultivator initiates and executes meetings between idealism and realism, hoping that fruitful cooperation’s should take form.

Absténganse los pensamientos rápidos del tipo... 
Uh.. unos hippies. Y paren y miren un rato que es sábado.
No todo gustará pero hay donde escoger...


http://kultivator.org/home/ (la página lia un poquillo. calma y recomiendo entrar por works)
imágenes en flickr*

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